22 November 2017

A Bill Passes and I Was There

Usually, I keep politics out of my blog. Today, however, I can't. Here are the details of the labour law reforms that passed today in Ontario. 
And here is my Facebook post about my happy reaction to watching this unfold:

"I am reflecting this evening on the experience of sitting in the Legislature today watching Bill 148 pass final reading. 
Three years ago, I called Workers' Action Centre for help with a labour dispute. I was welcomed into this crazy group and my life changed. Other than helping to raise an amazing human and citizen, the small contribution I've made to WAC and the Fight for $15 and Fairness, is my proudest achievement. This diverse group of hard working, inclusive, and ever-so-attractive individuals has been tirelessly organizing in the province for years - phoning, visiting MPPs, flyering, postering, handing out buttons, writing letters, marching, making speeches, educating, protesting, talking to anyone who will listen, and relentlessly s**t disturbing - to make life better for 1.6 million Ontarians. Tonight, I am happy and grateful.
It's not over yet. From here we push for enforcement and strengthening of existing laws . We must make sure government knows we are still paying attention. Tonight though, we celebrate a little."

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