08 November 2009

Goats, Sheep, Llama

I made my annual visit to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair today, where I actually bought Christmas presents! On November 8! Pretty impressive.
I like the Royal for it's shopping, food tasting, and for the opportunity to pat goats and sheep. Though each year I find I'm a little more bothered by the animal agriculture for meat areas. It's weird to pat a pig then walk ten feet and buy back bacon on a bun for lunch. I'm not vegetarian though The Daughter is. We keep a veggie kitchen and I've become quite the good vegetarian cook. Frankly, I'm happy to let others deal with cooking the meat products. I only eat meat now when I'm out but, lately, even in restaurants, I choose the veggie option. I think it's only a matter of time before I stop eating meat altogether.

Cute goat, n'est pas?

The source of LYS stock.

My two new friends. These girls were super friendly.

Of course, there was yarn. This is Llama from Ontario.I also
counted three booths selling locally raised alpaca fibre.

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